Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

I wish I knew why THE BLOGGERS OF THE MILLENNIUM want to pick a fight with the Minneapolis Star Tribune. By THEIR OWN ADMISSION, "[o]ver the years the Star Tribune has published many of the columns that Rocket Man and I have submitted to the paper as op-ed columns." By THIS definition, they're professionals. They can use their contacts to grease their skids. I have never been paid to write in my life, and this is what I'm up against. When the PROFESSOR linked to me I stopped criticizing him. If any paper printed me as many times as I suspect the Star Tribune has printed THE BLOGGERS OF THE MILLENNIUM I would NOT criticize it, out of sheer loyalty. There are a lot of us LITTLE GUYS who will NEVER get professionally published. The TWXSTERS have already knighted you. I DON'T CARE HOW BAD NICK COLEMAN IS, PLEASE SHUT UP FOR A WHILE ABOUT THE STAR TRIBUNE.

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