Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, December 17, 2004

I'd have ignored this story about how THE GREATEST DIRECTOR IN FILM HISTORY has given up on a Dean Martin biopic (or a "DEANO" flick, as they insist on calling him at, as though Dino were Mr. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!) except for this line:

At one point, Scorsese says he had convinced Tom Hanks to play the part of the Rat Pack ringleader who caroused and partied in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

Hmmm, what did Peter Bogdanovich say the other day, hmmmmm?

"Think about it - Tom Hanks is a very good actor and so is Tom Cruise, but what is a 'Tom Cruise film'? It could be anything," he said.

"Do me a Tom Cruise impression - you can't do it. So you don't know exactly what that is."

The un-imitable Tom Hanks doing the inimitable Dino. Yep, I see why THE GREATEST DIRECTOR IN FILM HISTORY ditched it.

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