Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, December 27, 2004


Todd: I can tell you that throughout the project, especially with interim milestones, we had some periods when application compatibility was near zero. We took some radical steps and said, OK, this is definitely [breaking apps]. Now, how can we tweak that ... and preserve some form of application compatibility?

Paul: Did you end up having to do a lot of per-app ...

Todd: Shims?

Paul: Yeah.

Todd: There are a couple of things I hate to do. One is shortcuts and hacks. Every time someone would bring in an app shim, we would say, let's take a step back and look at this. Are you just shimming that application, or are you shimming a symptom? Let's look at a core fix, or a core change, or a Group Policy setting, or something other than an app-by-app fix.

Ryan: If you don't look at it Todd's way, the platform's scale just screws us. If you do that one shim for just one app, there are probably in the ballpark of ten other apps or more that you're missing. And you're not going to know what they are. It could be a custom application in France, or Singapore. We're not getting visibility into [all the apps out there], so you have to fix it the right way.

Some years back a PAPER OF RE-CORD writer did a New Republic piece in which all he did was quote the very garbled remarks of Nelson Rockefeller at a press conference -- and headed them "Lincoln." Why am I thinking, how can anything important emerge from vaporous Dilbertian shop talk like this?

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