Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

OoooooOOOOOOOOooooooooh, A. O. with B. O. is TETCHY:

"Far too many notes for my taste," sniffs one of the proprietors of the Opéra Populaire in "The Phantom of the Opera." I quite agree. He is talking about the threatening messages that the control-freak phantom (Gerard Butler) is sending to various members of the company, but his complaint applies perfectly to the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, whose relentless bombast afflicts this movie like a bad case of swollen lymph nodes.

Of course, Lord Lloyd Webber's music is the whole point of the film, and Joel Schumacher, the director, does his best to find a visual style to match the vulgarity and pretentiousness of the soundtrack. He succeeds admirably....

So much for the revenge -- er, the RETURN of the FILM MUSICAL.

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