Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Thursday, December 16, 2004
POWER LINE and HUGH HEWITT are EXCITED because THE BLOGOSPHERE!!!!! has DECIMATED MR. MARK'S ARTICLE ABOUT JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet reading Hugh I get the feeling it's just more people firing ammo at a BIGMEDIA target that turns mid-air into harmless blanks; Hugh gives no evidence BLUNDER rag's changed its tune. He forgets BIGMEDIA is a miles-high fortress surrounded by an miles-wide impenetrable moat of prejudices and cash. For all practical purposes VIACON hasn't even responded to BLATHERGATE yet. The tools of our democracy are in our hands, but concentrated media power can still render them worthless.
I must confess I was deked by MR. MARK'S PRETTY COVER. That's the last time THAT happens.