Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, December 03, 2004

What bothers this hack at isn't the corruption, it's the beliefs. Had existed in the "70s and 80s" it surely would not have spoken a blessed syllable about Democratic malfeasance; one reason the Newt "Dennis the Menace" Gingrich and his fellow GOP House leaders (like SNIDELY WHIPLASH) made asses of themselves in the minority is that NEWS HACKS wouldn't report all the shady dealing. (Indeed they screamed CORRUPTION!!!!!!!! much the same way this hack has.) We can be sure kept pretty circumspect about Slick too. What is more, this kind of typing is counterproductive as there are strong corrupt undercurrents in the GOP -- how could there not be in the party of Credit Mobilier, Teapot Dome and Watergate? No, if you object to someone's core beliefs, argue on the beliefs, not in the vain hope that you can taint the beliefs by screaming CORRUPTION!!!!!!!!

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