Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

WHY I HATE NEWS HACKS, PART 45,206: News hacks love to say one thing when they mean another. This TOENAIL.COM scribble is one of the classics. Clearly Jake and his boys want us out of Iraq, to suffer a humiliating defeat that would bolster their egos; but they can't quite admit that (although any news organization that could say RONALD REAGAN IS GOING TO HELL and get rewarded by CITIGROUP, TOYOTA, AMEX, JCPENNEY, etc., etc., ETC. can say ANYTHING), so they engage in the kind of sideways shuffle and statistical legerdemain that only makes people mad because as they struggle to read it they become convinced NEWS HACKS ARE UP TO NO GOOD AGAIN. Jake, if you want us out of Iraq, SAY SO. And now that you'll be employed by ST. WARREN OF BUFFETT you have the veritable equivalent of a CIVIL-SERVICE JOB: you can't be fired EVEN FOR CAUSE.

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