1:03 PM
by Gene
ROMY'S HIT ON A MOTHER LODE: He's found a writer who wants A PAULINE KAEL FOR VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!!!!!
Or better still --
"I mean look, face it, both reader and writer know that almost all of what's gonna pass from the latter to the former is justa buncha jizjaz anyway, so why not just give up the ghost of pretense to form and subject and just make these rags ramble fit to the trolley you prob'ly read 'em on…you may say that I take liberties, and you are right, but I will have done my good deed for the day if I can make you see that the whole point is YOU SHOULD BE TAKING LIBERTIES TOO."
A LESTER BANGS!!!!!!!!!!
Remember the name -- DAVID THOMAS!!!!!!!!!!