Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Monday, January 17, 2005
What do NEWS HACKS and SHOW-BIZ types have most in common? They give themselves AWARDS, GAGGLES of AWARDS, by which tokens of self-esteem they can set their achievements in the FIRMAMENT. YELL it to the world that BILL SHATNER won an award for BEST SUPPORTING AC-TOR in a TV SERIES! (He still works? I thought that ended with his singing career.) SCREAM it to the world that LEO looks EXACTLY LIKE HOWARD HUGHES! BRAG it to the world that we're in a SUPERPLATINUM AGE OF ENTERTAINMENT! This is one reason why both professions draw TOADIES out of the woodwork, why they have an uncomfortable resemblance to prostitution (literally and figuratively), and why their much-proclaimed excellence dies when today's paper becomes tomorrow's puppy fodder, or with the inevitable reruns.