8:53 AM
by Gene
And here's another of the nice people you hope to meet every day:I was an intern for Denny Hastert when the Republicans first took over in ‘95, and because Denny was the Chief Deputy Majority whip, he was in the Capitol pretty much all the time with the leadership and its staff while (we) his staff stayed in Rayburn HOB. Well, I can remember on more than one occasion people being on the phone with our seemingly teddy-bearish, behind-the-scenes, now-Speaker, and let me tell you: he could tear people a new one; I witnessed 30-year-old LAs weeping, and I mean shaking, snot-flowing, bawling, at the end of a phone call, or guys looking white after having been eviscerated from across Independence Ave. With all my friends doing similar internships at the time, this seemed standard fare. It's politics for cryin' out loud, and frankly I think this "he said not nice things to me and is a big-meany-stupidhead!" is embarrassing for Democrats and just further emasculates their image. You Rule, Thor! (I figure I just upped my chances of getting posted) [SIC]
I figure you just upped your chances of looking like a complete DWEEB.