8:46 AM
by Gene
THE OPRAH SIDE OF THE BOY TOY:[T]he stories about Albom's bad behavior, particularly to underlings, are legion. For example, Lessenberry says one of his students quit an internship at WJR radio after Albom threw a computer keyboard at her.
Art Regner, co-host of a sports talk show on WXYT-AM, experienced Albom's wrath firsthand.
"I remember one time when I was his producer, he was unhappy with the way something had gone," Regner says. "Even if they were upset, most people would have a few words and that would be it. But Mitch — Mitch screamed and screamed. It was a major tantrum."AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, isn't that SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET?