Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Thursday, April 14, 2005
The studies concluded that readers between the ages of 21 and 29 have abandoned daily papers and prefer to get news online or from television shows like The Daily Show and even The Simpsons. But newspaper staffs can bring young readers back to dailies by dramatically altering the way they write and package stories. The stories have to be short, snappy, and irreverent, the studies said.
ALMOST A YEAR AGO: Soon GENS X and Y will be leading the truth-telling charge, with their lack of literacy and their complete disdain for excellence in the arts, and we could have doozies of gimmicks before long in the papers, things like graphical news stories (based on graphical novels -- you know, 400-page comic books) and graffiti-mural stories, and news raps, and pop stars as columnists (almost wholly ghosted); and what's more the current old fogies will probably choose people with POLITICAL experience, and with GENS X and Y that can only mean one thing: the ANARCHIST movement. (Sort of the Woodstock Generation's reflection in the mirror, n'est-ce pas?) This merely confirms NEWS HACKS are out to make their rags even MORE UNREADABLE.