Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, April 18, 2005

Which brings us to HOWIE HAIRSHIRT's lament about all the OBLOQUY being aimed at NEWS HACKS. I'm sure if we had the chance to know these people we'd find them nice and friendly, and want to know them. The problem is, they don't speak for themselves, they speak for CORPORATIONS (and yes, NEWSPAPERS ARE CORPORATE), which means we must view them in an impersonal sense, and as personifications of their employers' faults. So long as they idly type and chatter and EARN we will know who they are, and whom they work for.

And BLOGGERS (especially those with POP-UPS and AMEX as a SPONSOR) should DEFINITELY NOT be exempt from the most stinging criticism. Mr. BLOGGER OF THE MILLENNIUM's "So I was wrong" sounds almost like "So what?", which we'd expect from THE GREATEST THING SINCE WONDER BREAD. If we must hurl mud let's hurl it at everyone who deserves it, not just NEWS HACKS.

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