Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, May 06, 2005

EXHIBITS No. 16,275,864, 16,275,865 and 16,275,866 in why NEWS HACKS will NEVER IMPROVE: Michael "Mr. Inside" Wolff takes a WHACK at Jack "The Critic" Shafer in Vanity Fair for being a "high-school monitor." The Critic WHACKS BACK at him for being a "sloppy, lazy media columnist." Mr. Inside WHACKS BACK because of his tormentor's "hysteria." Nowhere does it cross these IDIOTS' minds that maybe the fault lies with BOTH OF THEM, that they've become CARICATURES of the kind of SELF-OBSESSED, SELF-REFERENTIAL, WHINY, OVERPAID, UNDERTALENTED, HERMETICALLY-SEALED, PUBLIC-BE-DAMNED MEDIA HACKS who TORMENT US EVERY BLASTED DAY.

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