Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Here we were about to make guesswork fun of Robert "Over the" Hilburn for dancing in the aisles (or so we suppose; we don't subscribe to the LALATimes, nor would we) and out comes Orson Scott Card, the "SPEC-U-LA-TIVE" FICTIONIST and biiiiiiiiig fan of WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!! The Jesus Slasher Movie, speculating in LALA that maybe Star Trek wasn't so hot. Okay, perhaps our youthful reminiscences are colored with nostalgia, and he makes a good point -- and then he ruins it with this typically SPEC-U-LA-TIVE-FICTIONIST typing:
Now we finally have first-rate science fiction film and television that are every bit as good as anything going on in print. In other words, I'm a genius, and finally we have genius to match my genius. Problem is, Or-SON, all we have in the movies is sci-fi and horror, and that's thanks in no small way to the GET-A-LIFE types your speculative crew's infantile fantasies have inspired. Besides, isn't "first-rate science fiction film and television" an oxymoron anyway? And no, it's NOT a character from PHILIP K. DICK.