6:30 AM
by Gene
In the never-ending war between Noo Yawk's two dubious tabloids, brave folk take A's Jessica Coen complained: "It's funny how you spend your whole damn day trying to register for the Post's online edition - after all, you don't put this much effort into far more significant activities, like toilet training your cat. Nevertheless, the Post is your kitty litter of choice..."
Cybergossip Matt Drudge - whose is perhaps the single biggest driver of Internet traffic to news sites - had even considered delinking Post features.
"I have more respect for my readers than to ask them their phone number, home address and how much they make - especially in this age of identity theft and database hacking," Drudge told me.We shall ignore that Gawker's contents often resemble used kitty litter, or that WALTER "SPYWARE" WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is perhaps the single biggest driver of downloads for anti-spyware software, but DA NOOZ must make its point. Yes, we registered for DA POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! too. Had we known...but it beat toilet-training a cat -- or removing spyware.