Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, May 22, 2005

These last several days I've immersed my self in period-instrument recordings of Mozart's symphonies. Does anyone realize he wrote his first at age eight? That sort of thing is unthinkable now, which is why our culture's so great. The next time some ad-blurb copywriter describes a [C]RAPPER as a GENIUS I'd like to scream this fact into his one ear and out his other, which it where it always goes.

A note about pricing and the RECORDED-MUSIC MAFIA: I got a Canadian pressing of this eleven-disc set from an merchant for about $29.00, including shipping. The standard version has different cover art and sells for at least thirty dollars more. How can people takes these clowns seriously -- and why should ANYONE pay fifteen bucks for a music CD?

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