Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Times (for ONCE we won't call it THE PAPER OF RE-CORD) devotes a special section to the Chrysler Building, that masterpiece from every angle. As Michael J. Lewis writes with true insight,

Every work of art bears the stamp of the age that made it, but some do so with special clarity. Michelangelo's "David" embodies the Renaissance conviction that the human form was a divine creation and the apex of beauty. The Cathedral at Chartres makes light more important than structure, and expresses the triumph of the spiritual over the material that constituted medieval faith. And the Chrysler Building embodies, as no other building does, the America of the 1920's.

The Twenties were a mammoth decade, surpassed only by the Revolutionary years, or the 1840s, or the Gay Nineties. This singular work of genius by Walter P. Chrysler and William van Alen embodies its optimism, its excess, its zeal, its brilliance. Yes, every work of art bears the stamp of the age that made it, and ours will live forever through American Idol, and [C]RAP, and the permanence of BLOGS.


P. S. Who took that marvelous picture? And why must BUGMEISTER BILL own it?

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