Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Friday, June 03, 2005
As we might have predicted, Larry "Dick Grasso Doesn't Make Enough" Kudlow and Dow 36,000 are dancing on their desks over Christopher Cox' appointment, which may be a bad sign. Or then again, maybe they don't know their rear ends from a hole in the ground, as we'd suspect from a man who thinks Dick Grasso didn't make enough and another man who thought the Dow would reach 36,000.
We take comfort in one thing: con-SER-va-tives fell one over another imitating Tony the Tiger when Dubya appointed that show-biz financier and social climber at Kellogg's -- and we haven't heard from him since. Hmmm, that may be a bad sign: he's giving the store away PRIVATELY.