Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Friday, June 03, 2005
Every time the HACKS, always shouting the industry motto -- "What's good for Time Warner is good for America" -- discuss video games, they talk as if they'd seen THE SECOND COMING OF BEN BRADLEE -- and then they type something like this:
Take a walk through the industry's annual trade show known as E3, which ended in May, and it's obvious that much of the serious development money goes for games based on movies ("Harry Potter," "King Kong," "Spider-man," to name a few); sequels to popular franchises ("Final Fantasy XII," "Sims 2," "Halo 2"); and knockoffs of the most popular genres — fantasy and war games. If video games are transforming a hundred universes why do they always transform them IN THE SAME OLD WAY?