Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, July 17, 2005

TOILETBOWL expresses an opinion:

Do you know anyone who doesn't have an opinion about the war in Iraq? Anyone who doesn't believe it's either wonderfully noble or tragically foolish? Then you may be surprised by "Over There," a new drama series that debuts July 27. It's about a squad of American soldiers on the front lines in Iraq, and it bends over backward not to express any opinion whatsoever about the conflict. You can understand the kid-gloves approach, since "Over There" —unlike "M*A*S*H" or "China Beach"—is about an ongoing conflict, and a controversial one. But there's something odd about a war drama with no point of view other than praising the grunts in the field. Without a strong perspective, "Over There" turns out to be largely bloodless.

Speak for yourself! TOILETBOWL bends over backward to appear bloodless, but it has an opinion -- it has the same opinion, week after week after week. Our brave writer may have been trying to put a fine face on his magazine, but beneath it, we know what lurks -- A DIRTY TOILET.

P. S. For the millionth time -- RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is NOT a CONSERVATIVE.

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