Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, August 25, 2005

After flailing around for a TV outlet for their obsolete pageant, the Miss America people are now (not unexpectedly) flailing around for a site. Without TV some things would cease to exist, like zillion-dollar salaries for athuhletes, and while we would not wager this is the end of an institution, it got here through blithe disdain for its sugar daddies' slow decline, followed by trendy rejiggering and panic. Firing Bert Parks was strike one; launching the immortal entertainer Vanessa Williams was strike two. The bat is moving.

P. S. The P. T. Barnum of beauty pageants is kidding himself. Miss Universe (born after a swimwear maker's dispute with Miss America) broadcast out of Miami Beach for years before moving from venue to venue. That doesn't seem to have helped its ratings of late.

P. P. S. How do they rewrite THE SONG?

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