10:20 AM
by Gene
It's THE CORNER, and a BIG FAN of
John "The Acquitted Killer" Landis, but even SHE can have a point:
RE: GOVERNORS [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
Readers watching more of her are critical:
Sorry, but I ain’t buying it. This woman is lost and looks lost. She may have won the election but she has no business being in charge of anything. Watching her on TV the last two days has made this pretty clear. Now is not the time to be sobbing. She sure as hell should not be doing it on the tube in front of her fellow citizens – the ones looking to her for leadership.
Compare her performance to Barbour in MS. You just know his state will come at way ahead of her state when it is all said and done.
Posted at 10:10 AMI have NOT watched television, but I have read of the gov's oh-woe-is-me-the-sky-is-falling-our-state-has-died routine, and I've had it too.