Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Here is why Mrs. Bush's remarks rankle the knee-jerk leftists, despite their obvious good intentions; the jerks have interpreted them as the sniffing of a nose-in-the-air over the peons. Not without reason; the Bushes are a chosen family, as copiously illustrated in a man whose best friends included the detestable Jim Baker and the late unlamented King Fahd, and who gladly sent the amoral Brent "My Favorite Martian" Scowcroft and Lawrence "Whataburger" Eagleburger to suck on the Chinese Communists' shoes. Mrs. Bush meant to say that the Astrodome was a far better outcome than a hole through an attic, or death; I've no doubt that's what she meant. But then the BLATHERERS at NRO unearth three sluglike perfessers who celebrate price gouging, and how can one not think of conservatives and Republicans as snobbish and spiteful and unfeeling, and all but wading in the gold of their own private Fort Knoxes? Sometimes con-SER-va-tives' best weapons are the ones they aim at THEMSELVES.

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