Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Learning of this sudden WHINER BROTHERS-like tempest over a teapot trinket of an outhou -- ARThouse movie we suspect a really good comic writer could do something with it, and it would be funnier than the picture, or Bill Buckley's SON's novel that inspired it.
OR: One irony about the dispute is that the film was written and directed by a Hollywood insider and that it skewers the self-serving and self-deluding ways Hollywood does business. In the film, a Hollywood agent (played by Rob Lowe) cynically embraces the Eckhart character's idea of selling cigarettes by having stars smoke them on screen. To him, it's just another revenue stream. But the deal falls apart when Eckhart's character is compromised by an unflattering newspaper profile. It turns out the deal was not a deal. Now we know the FILM's self-serving, and BAD. P. S. The orgastic raves already in the ad-blurb copywriters' hard drives are no doubt funnier than the film too.