Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, September 24, 2005

OH oh, somebody's about to get banned on Democratic Underground:

Sorry to be killjoy, and I know virtually no one on DU is going to agree with my opinion here, but this is another International ANSWER rally that is probably a net negative to the anti-Iraq war cause.

Too many topics addressed aside from the Iraq war, too much anti-Israel sentiment, too many pro-Palestinian speakers, too many pro-Fidel Castro speakers, too much radicalism on display, too much America is the cause of all evil in the world wailing, etc...

This is just not going to appeal to average Americans. I'm watching a speaker now railing about the US in the Philippines. I mean, come on - what has this got to do with the war in Iraq? The US troop presence in the Philippines is marginal and for the most part assists the PI government with crushing Islamists Abu-Sayaf terrorists and wiping out the remants of the communist rebels. Americans are just not going to be against that, and quite frankly, neither are the majority of Filipino's outside college campuses.

So long as International ANSWER is the primary force behind these things, these protests will achieve next to nothing.

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