Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, September 15, 2005

We hope Leonard Bernstein's estate will not mind, but posting on some fool perfesser scribbler made us think of Candide. Here is the moment musical-comedy fans once died for, the end of "Glitter and Be Gay" (including an unused alternate ending, unused, thankfully) -- and it puts us in mind of some words in the great Ben Jonson's The Alchemist (IV.i.60-64):

Poor! and gat you? Profane not. Had your father
Slept all the happy remnant of his life
After that act, lien but there still, and panted,
He’d done enough to make himself, his issue,
And his posterity noble.

And all our posterity can hope for are perfessers praising NEWS HACKS.

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