Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, September 10, 2005

We would note, MICKEYMOUSE NIXON, that Your stock is only slightly higher than in '95, when You made THE DEAL OF ALL TIME. We would further note that You probably had less to do with Your company soaring beforehand than raising ticket prices at Disney World did, or U. S. STEEL. And most of Your social experiments FAILED, like the WHINER BROTHERS, and getting into the BOOK BIZ, and the RESTAURANT BIZ, and the HOCKEY BIZ, and the BASEBALL BIZ, and the RECORD BIZ. Goodbye TRICKY, and GET LOST.

And the best thing is, Bill Foreman (whoever he is) shook his head like a good little boy and said, "No tough questions -- MICHAEL."

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