11:32 AM
by Gene
A friend of Romy's gets BREAKING-NEWS MAD:Anyway, most people now say they get their "news" from the Internet and TV.
That's why everyone is so smart and so well-informed about the world around them.
If there were no stodgy newspapers to set the agenda with boring stuff like government, world news, politics and finance, TV news would be free to give viewers what they want - more weather, cute animal videos, traffic accidents, house fires and "special reports" on the dangers (or promise) of cosmetic surgery.
The dilemma: While people get their news from the Internet, the Internet gets its news from newspapers.
Without newspapers, who provides the content?
Blogs are an excellent source of "news," much of it overheard and passed along by the blogger's girl friend. If she's sick, the blogger can make something up. No editors or accountability gum up the works.
When you tire of the "news" (in a minute or two), you are just a mouse click away from porn.
Newspapers can't touch that.1. If your employer and its friends had charged for news most likely you'd have been overwhelmed by free Web news anyway. We may add, Stu, that the Internet is not entirely responsible for weasel words, slants, plagiarisms, and other such heroics that have led newspapers to resort to creative counting and Lucky Bucks.
2. Why are you in such a wad about TV news? Newspaper chains own TV stations. KnightRidder owned TV stations. The
Daly Nooz was once run by
THE AMBASSADOR, the founder of
TV Guide and Dick Clark, and the godfather of
IF IT BLEEDS, IT LEADS. Seems to me your biz has had a lot of RESPONSIBILITY for it.
3. Happily the news biz has its own accountability through -- what? Shareholder revolts?