Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Today for once we lead off with PEOPLE NEWSMAGAZINE as MR. MARK leads off with a tribute to Darwin whose covert purpose is no doubt to razz social conservatives, and we can smell such things a mile off -- though he can't:

New Orleans Today: It's Worse Than You Think

Couldn't we apply that line to anything? Possible it is that Nawlans wouldn't be 100 percent three months after one of our worst natural disasters, but you wonder how the news hacks' current self-flaggelations make their way into their stories. WOE ARE WE! shout the scribblers as they make bigger salaries than ever, as their employers make bigger profits than ever. It's worse than you think when you THINK about it.

Well, there is this morsel:

Louisiana's recent request for $250 billion, perilously short on details, got a contemptuous reception from Republicans ("Nonstarter," said a Senate aide), editorial writers (who dubbed it the "Louisiana looters' bill") and even a few Democrats....

Freudian slip?

P. S. The TWXSTERS have made this available. Have they stopped their stupid practice of walling off cover stories, or is this a glitch?

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