Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Sunday, December 18, 2005
I was wrong -- THIS is the week for the double issues. The TWXSTERS have made an inscrutable and risible choice for their PUBLICITY STUNT OF THE YEAR. Why Bugmeister Bill (and his wife) when the CIA of MOUNTAIN VIEW threatens to eat his lunch? We can understand Bono -- being nominated by his publicity staff and pliable NEWS HACKS for the Nobel Good Intentions Prize and the head of the World Bank is likely to go to one's noggin. I guess it's all about rich people giving their money; but didn't a few things happen this year that were slightly more newsworthy? But who says the NEWSRAGS are about NEWS? Isn't this proof they're have passed their prime?
No, it's not about news: For being shrewd about doing good, for rewiring politics and re-engineering justice, for making mercy smarter and hope strategic and then daring the rest of us to follow, blahblahblah.... This is one of the greatest uses of TWXSTER resources since we chose MOUTH OF THE SOUTH as our BOOB OF THE YEAR, a SYNERGISM that forever made this stunt an excuse for laughs. ("WE DIDN'T KNOW WE OWNED PART OF TURNER BROADCASTING!!" HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA!!!!!) And FINALLY -- MR. MARK PLUGS A MOVIE!!!!!! And guess which movie! (And guess which press agent!) And Mr. Mark is ESPECIALLY HAPPY because THE ROOTKIT MOVIE CO.'s going to STICK IT TO CATHOLICS! Nice job! Plugging a movie and sticking it to con-SER-va-tives -- or whomever. Yep, Mr. Mark definitely edits his rag for coffee tables and reception rooms. Who else would read it? P. S. "sony rootkit" still yields many links. P. P. S. I emended this to correct my original stupidity that the TWXSTERS' story wasn't available to non-subscribers -- it is, for the tithe of seeing an ad. I have also decided to rescind my NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD for this proud PR, based on that misconception; but we know we'll be giving it out later.