Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, December 26, 2005

It appears the masochists have been out in full force in the popcorn restaurants, though just how much show-biz news hacks will gloat is hard to judge with Christmas falling peculiarly on a Sunday. Several things are clear: people may not take lectures like these too well; THE GAY COWBOYS have been gayer; and MAX BIALYSTOCK has a SURE-FIRE FLOP on his hands.

And what movie did more per-venue biz than any other? THE POLAR EXPRESS. Hasn't anyone noticed?

One other thing: are THE MOST INTELLIGENT PEOPLE IN AMERICA seeing ARTHOUSE FLICKS like they used to? There's a biz I'd be SCREAMING out of; it's all double-or-nothing -- as in losses.

P. S. AL REUT says down 14 percent year-to-year; last Christmas fell on a Saturday.

P. P. S. One would like to think the bombing of Boheme with AAAAATTITUDE and KERNGERSHWIN'S MASTERPIECE would mark a coda for movie musicals. If the two films do $50 million between them (we're assuming GERSH does $20 million) that means 5 to 6 million admissions. That MAY account for both these misbegotten properties' core followings; but even their most obsessive fans must inevitably grow up; and there will come a time when those who gushed over Boheme II will cringe with embarrassment, while those who saw THE GREATEST MUSICAL OF ALL TIME will forever say, "Well, you had to be there," hoping chanting that mantra drives the bad taste away.

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