Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, December 30, 2005

Lately in surfing the Web (and especially tonight looking up things on I've been BOMBARDED by those EXASPERATING, IRRITATING, CALCULATING, AGITATING, MADDENING and INFURIATING ADS ABOUT TOENAIL FUNGUS. Anyone who thinks Web ads can't be as annoying as the worst TV conmmercials should consider the HAMMERHAMMERHAMMER approach these use to beat surfers into submission. They go back well over a year and have been especially plastered over ST. WARREN's properties (thus did I once call TOENAIL.COM), and the disease shows no sign of abating. The ads are part of a campaign -- or rather, offensive -- for some prescription elixir called Lamisil, and it's made by a cretinous Swiss company called NOVARTIS -- it MUST be full of morons to constantly poking its middle finger (complete with diseased -- toenail?) in our eyes. If I had connections or luck I'd start a Web site blasting this Sherman's March of advertising into our lives. How does sound? (That ship of fools probably owns it.)

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