Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, December 17, 2005

P.S. All roads lead to Grover Norquist. He was the maestro and Abramoff's key ideological pawn. Will he be frog-marched off K Street in handcuffs? It would hardly shock me.

If an army of police and federal agents frog-marched hundreds of K Street lobbyists off in handcuffs it would hardly shock me either. I'd agree though, Grover Norquist, friend of Islamists, gives off a very strong skunk smell.

Via NRO, whose Ranesh opines:

Foer also says that Abramoff corrupted the whole conservative movement. I think the movement is more corrupt than it was 10 years ago.

I think when BUTTMAN finances CATO that goes without saying.

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