Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, December 02, 2005

We wonder if this business of THE CONSPIRACY chasing down CHRISSSSSTIANS wasn't based on a fluke. It was one thing when His Holiness Mel issued His SLASHER MOVIE -- it was NEW! and DIFFERENT! and ARAMAIC! People WANTED to be BLUDGEONED -- but only for a SECOND. Nearly every Jesus shtick since has fallen flat on its shekels; we suspect the CGI LEWIS story won't be an overflowing bank vault for ESPNCORP for the same reason. But show-biz is right to feel guilty; it flourished in no small measure as a refuge from religious persecution -- and it's been trashing religious sensibilities for decades. Perhaps the believing audience is just returning the favor.

By the way, we like that new name for an old pope: John Pail II. That bucket's got a hole in it.

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