Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, January 26, 2006

We are sorry to learn that Sony's vastly improved profits have led it to discontinue its several lines of robots, including Aibo. We've seen an Aibo in action and were quite charmed by it, but Sony has a knack for keeping things to itself; to this end it priced Aibo way out of most people's reach. We do hope others will revive the robot pet, although it's likely to stay just within the realm of hobbyists and other get-a-life types; but we must confess having been near cats and dogs I'd rather mine have fur.

It also killed the Qualia. Of this we have no regrets whatsoever. Who wants to buy a $20,000 CD player? Not even get-a-lifes could afford it.

(Via the robotic geeks of Slashdot, one of whom wrote, "Billions in annual sales at a 2% margin makes less sense than hundreds of millions at a 20% margin." I'm SURE Lord Springer will follow your advice TO THE LETTER.)

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