Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Well, only one of the news rags took us up on our offer, and it chickened out -- it put the RED-STATE SCORPION on the cover. (Maybe they figured Snidely was TOO evil.) Mr. Mark put Ariel Sharon on, understandably enough, but it also put this caption above his photo: "Health for Life: Vitamins and Your Diet." Are you trying to tell him something after the fact, Mr. Mark? It does scratch its thick skull over JACKGATE, musing, "Can anything change the Capitol's money-hungry ways?" (The answer, needless to say, is no, unless you're a news hack, then the answer becomes no -- unless we sweep the Democrats into power.) Thankfully the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct is on the case. "If they were going to investigate us, we were going to investigate them." Somebody should investigate they and we.