4:37 PM
by Gene
Ever since the algorithms of the supergeniuses at Mountain View cut me off from the Next Blog button I've wondered whether blogging is worth anything, and especially my blogging. I've been posting less lately, as if in proof of Pavlov's theory. Certainly bloggers thrive on attention, and I haven't gotten much lately -- though I never got much to begin with. That said, I've suspected long before I knew the word "blog" that there is too much talk of politics and world affairs; I now know there are too many bloggers. Further this CARTOON biz demonstrates the utter idiocy to which public discourse now frequently descends. When Al Smith (or whoever it was) said that "the cure for the ills of democracy is more democracy" he never knew Free Republic or Democratic Underground. Nor could he have predicted that "democracy" would sweep thugs into power in the West Bank, though in some ways that outcome was foreordained, democracy or no. I really do feel that I say more with one or two sentences than the pros say with their hundreds of paragraphs, and I would like to believe I represent a wider swath of views and interests than they. But I'm tired of demonstrating my own depthless ignorance, and having it shoved into my face by the events of the day, and more to the point, I'm tired of typing into a vacuum. While I will not suspend this blog (as if anyone would care) I'm thinking of it. The CIA of Mountain View has already taken care of the posting.
My only solace is that said supergeniuses had their superwealth nicked, but it's only a matter of time before the tulip farmers plant new bulbs.