Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Friday, March 17, 2006
HOLLYWOOD [Andrew Stuttaford] "Sadly," Warren, why "sadly"? If lefties in Hollywood (even the insert-nasty-adjective-of-choice Michael Moore) have found a successful marketing model, good for them. That's capitalism. Besides, folks on the right shouldn't knock Hollywood for having a product that nobody wants to watch (the usual refrain these days) at the same time as knocking it for, well, having a product that people (but the "wrong" sort of people) want to watch. As for your idea for more 'heartland' films, absolutely. I'm sure there's a big, neglected market for them, and the more voices out there, the better. I just hope that they aren't you know, too wholesome... Posted at 05:40 PM Will you clowns SHUT UP?