Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The last thing I want to do as a critic is become part of Hollywood's publicity machine, but once I've discovered a movie I care about, I'm glad to be able to support it.

That sense of discovery can be thrilling. The first time I experienced it as a critic -- as a very young and inexperienced second-string critic for the New York Herald Tribune in the early 1960s....

So let's see: Joe started reviewing when he was in his early twenties, straight from the usual Ivy League thinkatorium, no doubt. That means he was born circa 1940, or possibly earlier, and has been reviewing for about forty-five years. And the paper he started with went out of business in 1967.

When an ad-blurbist has been copywriting for forty-five years we wonder how he can have any sense period. And this guy admits getting a little giddy seeing his name above the title. Movie ad-blurbists are a big reason movies stink, and a big reason ad-blurbists stink is that many of them have written for forty-five years.

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