Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Friday, March 31, 2006
We don't like having to think of this stuff, but the BS Defender's lobby just did a survey (by an obscure research firm that did an earth-shattering poll proving that "e-mail users are overwhelmed with spam" -- and still links to it as "recent news") proving that nearly everybody agrees with everything the lobby says about the evil FCC. Jim Dyke's no dummy -- he doesn't mention his sugar daddies in the release. (Abramoffs are not dumb. EVIL, but not dumb.) This is about as honest as some damfool Republicans claiming to have "bipartisan" support for a cable-biz giveaway.
So much of America is choose-your-poison. On the one side: Babbitts who exclusively throw raging tantrums over bad language on TV, and reap big fundraising rewards. On the other, the greedmeisters of the money-minting broadcasting biz, and the blasé elitists who think their opponents deserve no say. MILLIONAIRE AND BUMS....