4:45 PM
by Gene
A J-skool Walter Mitty contemplates the evil men do:If you guys at Morgan Stanley think you know so much about running a newspaper, then go ahead and found a great metropolitan daily yourselves and run it for 150 years. I'll buy a subscription.
If you don't like owning non-voting stock, here's another suggestion: DON'T BUY IT. No one put a gun to your head to buy the stock in the first place. And no one misled you about your voting rights. If you don't like the stock's performance, here's a third suggestion: SELL.
The fact is, the Times is a national treasure, like Yosemite or the Navy band. It is not a normal corporation, and it should not be. If you think market-driven journalism is such a great thing, then buy shares in Gannett and subscribe to USA Today.1. We do not think the Lord God PINCH would be flattered by the comparison. The New York Philharmonic, or Carnegie Hall, maybe -- but given the way He's hipping things up we'll say Eminem, or whoever's the thug of the moment. 2. A stock with two voting classes and PINCH's family holding most of the voting rights certainly is NOT a normal corporation, especially given
its zingy peformance lately.