Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The other day somebody named Samuel Freedman got exercised because AMATEURS are engaging in a systematic effort "to degrade, even to disenfranchise journalism as practiced by trained professionals":

I appreciate the access that citizen journalism provides to first-hand accounts of major events. Yet I recognize those accounts are less journalism than the raw material, generated by amateurs, that a trained, skilled journalist should know how to weigh, analyze, describe, and explain.

Okay Sammy, explain how a trained, skilled "journalist" weighed, analyzed, described and explained THE GOLFING MACHINE. ED makes more money than a million bloggers, yet his puff piece exposed him in the fundamentals as a starry-eyed rank amateur. Explain how all these trained, skilled "journalists" disgorge zillions of column inches with the flavor of watery oatmeal. A lot of people who'll never get a job in YOUR biz SOLELY because they LACK CONNECTIONS could do better work than ED and the people putting out all that BLANDNESS. Stop obsessing over CASTE and LET THEM DO IT.

(Via ROMY, who's equally exercised over CASTE)

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