Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, April 07, 2006


Ellen Goodman writes a typically self-serving bit of MSM posturing today, full of the now-commonplace MSM McCarthyite tactic of blasting unnamed conservative bloggers, this time for their treatment of Jill Carroll.

But she doesn't name anyone in particular, which gives the game away.

Goodman slams a group without the specifics that would allow her audience to judge the reliability of her accusation.

How Tailgunner Joe of her.

There may be bloggers guilty of the sin she describes, but she doesn't name even one of them.

How MSM.


There is, granted, too much name-calling in blogs, and too many ad hominem attacks. We're all guilty of these sins. We must note, however, that one reason for the name calling is past news-hack credulousness with liberals and other MMMMMMMMMMSSSSSSSSSSMMMMMMMMMM favorites. How often have we seen the hacks go into partisan rhapsodies and spin symphonies? How often have we heard of the GREENHOUSE EFFECT? WOMAN OF THE YEAR OF THE WOMAN is a victim of her fabulous early publicity. And the more the hacks praise someones the more we question their purity; the term "reverse psychology" is not in their dictionary.

That said, who takes care of bloggers when they're wrong? At the height of Blathergate THE BLOGGERS OF THE MILLENNIUM would never admit to wrong, and they still can't. And what ombudsman can take care of SAM LITTLE and his many fatuous and malevolent errors? Meantime KOS claims to elect public officials with his tantrums. Our only solace is that even the biggest of BIGLITTLEMEDIA command small crowds compared to the biggest newspaper sites, and relatively few people read blogs, or trust them. And a rank amateur does not become professional due to hits.

We believe public figures who do wrong deserve any abuse short of libel and threats to their safety. Jill Carroll was a hostage and did no wrong, and for those reasons alone did not meet the criteria. Episodes like this will not stop the loudmouths from doing something bad, and it's only a matter of time before the mob rule of bloggerdom creates a real tragedy.

Thankfully most blogging dies away before the bloggers hit the enter key -- and as fools like B. S. Defender prove, they are their own worst enemies.

P. S. SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGER posted his tirade three hours after the Public Eye piece appeared, which at least shows the problem with a newspaper of one.

P. P. S. I'm sure if B. S. Defender saw our blog (he surely never will) he'd launch into a whining jag that we quoted him out of context. The problem is he wrote that line so boneheadedly it invites quotation purely for its boneheadedness -- and as we've said before, B. S. has defended B. S. repeatedly.

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