Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, May 26, 2006

Another eulogy for our culture: We suspect even Wagner never had to worry about "an imposing 48-foot-long, 28-foot-tall, 20-ton set piece, run by 26 assorted motors, on which about 80% of the opera's action takes place." With any good composer, the music would be the thing. With a spectacle like this the production must be the thing, a production so overwhelming it sends the unmistakable message that this "opera" wouldn't need such loudly meshing electro-mechanical gears if the MUSIC were other than JUNK. It will get RAVED regardless, like JERRY SPRINGER and NIXON IN CHINA, by idiot hacks who MUST be in with the in-crowd, but at the very least the need for 20-ton set pieces would seem to dim its hopes for revival.

(Via the usual

And in more news of tomorrow's archival dust collectings, the Tune Machine what wrote the immortal Wicked is writing what Opera News calls an "opera."

(Via, which is all about reporting on archival dust collectings)

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