Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, May 29, 2006

By accident we came across a piece of junk called ABCePrep, whose motto is, "We read, watch, interview and cover... so you don't have to!" What it covers it mostly celebrity bilge.

See, here's the problem, ABCePrep -- the reason CHEAP CHANNEL and its friends are held in such HIGH ESTEEM is that they've AUTOMATED HUMANS OUT OF EXISTENCE! (Except in the sales departments.) This whatisit is just another way of automating radio, and of boasting of our superiority over our listeners. It's been ages since I listened to the radio; it will be ages more before I resume -- thanks to gags like ABCEPREP.

P. S.

Radio: Know the Facts

MYTH: Consolidation in the radio industry is at dangerous levels.

FACT: Radio is the least consolidated segment of the media industry -- by far according to The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
[there's Groucho again -- Say the secret woid and you'll win a radio chain!], the metric often cited by the Department of Justice. Specifically, the top-5 music companies account for 85% of that industry’s market share; the top-8 film companies account for 84%; the top-10 cable companies account for 67%; the top 6 ad agencies companies account for 65%; and the top-10 radio companies account for 43%.

WHEW!!!!! Am I relieved.

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