Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Elsewhere in the interminably cheery LALA, Pat (no, not Pat Paulsen -- and not the Mogul's Friend, though it could be) convinces us a SUPERGIGAMEGAPLATINUM AGE for musicals is at hand!

Yet as bleak as some critics may paint the musical's future — and they've been doing so for decades....

It's those old fogies who can't see the hundreds of thousands of TWENTY-SOMETHINGS writing masterpieces in their basements!!!!!

Okay PAT, hum us a song by Scott Frankel, Michael Korie, Brenda Russell, Allee Willis, Stephen Bray, Robert Lopez, Jeff Marx, Tom Kidd and Amanda Green!


Is TRIB putting happy juice in the water at LALA to keep the hacks' spirits up?

P. S. It's slugged "Special" meaning it's FREELANCED PR.

(Via the sometimes very annoying

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