Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

...Philadelphia-area hospitals in general - including Penn - may provide more care [to dying patients] than is necessary, driving up costs without improving survival, according to the Dartmouth researchers.

In the last two years of life, Medicare spent an average of $38,872 on chronically ill patients in the Philadelphia region. That compares with a national averge of $29,199. This area was the 20th-most expensive of the nation's 307 hospital referral regions, the study found.


The Schuylkill is just 330 feet wide at Walnut Street, but by other measuring sticks, Center City and West Philadelphia are far more distant neighbors. The west bank's tangle of rail lines, its grimy industrial remains, the roaring expressway - all have served to further cleave the city.

That divide could begin to narrow next year, when the University of Pennsylvania embarks on an epic riverfront redevelopment project. It is expected to take more than two decades, cost $1.94 billion and, as high hopes go, ultimately meld Center City and West Philadelphia into one big, lively city core.

Endorsed by the university trustees on Thursday, Penn's plan is to revitalize 40 acres from Walnut Street to just below South Street on the campus' eastern edge. On what is now an eyesore of a site, office towers, condos and research centers would rise amid new athletic fields and recreation spaces, shops and restaurants. There is even talk of an elegant pedestrian bridge arcing the Schuylkill....

The riverfront revitalization will be the most visible part - but only a part - of Penn's eastward expansion. A new 400-bed residence hall is planned for 33d and Chestnut, and a nanotechnology research center for 32d and Walnut. Below South Street, Penn's medical school and health system also have long-term plans to expand east, with an estimated 1.55 million gross square feet available.

The cost of all planned construction: $6.7 billion.

Are these stories related? NAH, don't think so.

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