Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, September 04, 2006

Anything and everything must have a Web "tribute" site. By accident I came across this one for something virtually unknown, but which (supposedly) once captivated zillions: the NBC radio show Monitor. Listening to the few bad transfers we wonder what captivated the zillions about Gene Rayburn unfunnily ad-libbing, or Bert Parks greasily schmoozing, or Ray Goulding doing an antique me-Tonto routine, or Ernie Kovacs being impenetrable. It will not do to say Monitor was one of those "you had to be there" experiences, like KERNGERSHWIN HAMMERSTEIN'S IMMORTAL MUSICAL, but that somebody can say how "beloved" something was when the fact remains totally unobvious says a phenomenon's time may have gone well before the phenomenon.

P. S. Here's the show's "theme music", which suggests a TouchTone phone gone berserk. This musical gibberish makes the pre-Erich Wolfgang Korngold chimes on the NBC Nightly News sound heavenly. We are told "Gen." David Sarnoff HATED it. He had sense, unlike the "LEGENDARY" PAT WEAVER, who for all we know may have lost the chance to run RCA because of it.

(Monitor links updated 2/19/2009; site's URL changed from .com to .net)

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