5:20 PM
by Gene
MYSPACE WORTH $15 BILLION IN THREE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!: analyst [Overemphasis added]
If the last bubble taught us one thing it's never trust sales -- ANALYSTS. Even those who don't have an inside interest act it. Saying stupid things is also the best way of getting your name in the papers -- and reaping big commissions.
And as if we didn't have enough proof this guy might be full of it:
"THE TRAJECTORY FOR PROFITABILITY OF MYSPACE IS EVERY BIT AS STEEP AS THAT OF GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," the search giant that generated about $6.1 billion in revenues last year, the analyst wrote Wednesday.
That's not bad for a company that at the time of its purchase was barely generating a profit, and three years later is still wrestling with the ways in which it will make money. [Further overemphasis added]
P. S. AOL had a trajectory too. So did Yahoo!